About ILCC

International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC) is the largest academic meeting in the field of liquid crystals, held biennially under the auspices of the International Liquid Crystal Society.  ILCC was started in 1965 at Kent State University.  27th International liquid crystal conference (ILCC2018) is the third ILCC in Japan.

Kyoto, 2018
Kent (Ohio), 2016
Dublin, 2014
Mainz, 2012
Krakow, 2010
Jeju, 2008
Keystone, 2006
Ljubljana, 2004
Edinburgh, 2002
Sendai, 2000
Strasbourg, 1998
Kent (Ohio), 1996
Budapest, 1994
Pisa, 1992
Vancouver, 1990
Freiburg, 1988
Berkeley, 1986
York, 1984
Bangalore, 1982
Kyoto, 1980
Bordeaux, 1978
Kent (Ohio), 1976
Stockholm, 1974
Kent (Ohio), 1972
Berlin, 1970
Kent (Ohio), 1968
Kent (Ohio), 1965