Plenary Lectures

Prof. Nicholas L. Abbott (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA)

Title: Liquid Crystalline Materials that Provide Chemo-Optical Responses to Biological Stimuli

Prof. Dirk J. Broer (Eindhoven Univ. of Tech., Netherlands)

Title: Reactive mesogens: from display optics to complex soft robotic functions

Prof. Maria Helena Godinho (New Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal)

Title: Cellulose-based liquid crystal structures for stimuli-responsive materials

Prof. Oleg D. Lavrentovich (Kent State Univ., USA)

Title: Liquid Crystals-Based Active Matter

Prof. Atsushi Yoshizawa (Hirosaki Univ., Japan)

Title: Nanostructured Assemblies of Liquid-Crystalline Supermolecules: From Display to Medicine

The plenary lecture by Professor Shin-Tson Wu has been cancelled.